School is back! Read this for some critical information for parents as we come upon the new school year.
How to Stay Informed:
To receive emails and notices from the school and the PTCO, you will need to sign up for PTOffice by clicking below and following these instructions. Every family should have an account so the PTCO can send you our weekly "Greenwood Grizzly Guide" that includes crucial information about the school, upcoming events, and messages from our Principal.
If you are not receiving the Greenwood Grizzly Guide every Sunday evening, please register for PTOffice or update your information by clicking below.
Rules for Vising the School:
Safety of students, staff, and the community is of the utmost importance here at Greenwood Elementary. ALL VOLUNTEERS AND VISITORS MUST HAVE A VALID PHOTO ID TO ENTER GREENWOOD AND ALL CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDINGS. When you arrive at the school to volunteer or meet with school staff, the front office will scan your ID and give you a visitor badge that you must wear at all times in the building. No one is to be in the building or on school grounds without a visitor's badge. No exceptions. Please pass this information along to any visiting family members or guests that may be looking to volunteer or come to any school functions during the school day.
Please also note that all school volunteers must also apply annually through the Cherry Creek School District's volunteer registration program before they can volunteer at the school. Click below to submit your application.
How to Report Absence/Tardy Information:
You can call the attendance line at 720-554-3495 to report your student absent or tardy. DO NOT call the main office to report a student absent or tardy before 8:30 am. Please note that students that arrive after 8:00 am are considered tardy and will be marked accordingly.
Pick-up and Drop-off Information:
Students should not be on campus before 7:45 am as there will be no staff supervision before this time. Students who arrive at the school before the 8:00 bell should enter through their designated doors and not the Main Entrance. If your student is tardy, they should buzz into the Main Entrance for admission.
DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR UNATTENDED IN THE KISS AND GO LANE AND STAY OFF YOUR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING. If you need to leave your car for any reason, please park in an assigned parking spot. Staff members will be outside helping direct traffic and guide students to their correct doors. Please respect and follow staff members' directions during both drop off and dismissal.
Important Dismissal Information:
Dismissal will be at 2:45 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students will exit the same door they enter in the morning. Please note that students will only be dismissed from the front (south side) of the building and NOT in the back (north side). The back is reserved for busses, and cars cannot block the bus loop. There is no student drop off or pick up in the back of the building unless it is for Before and After Care (Bear Club).
Wednesday Early Dismissals:
All elementary schools in the Cherry Creek School District will be released one hour earlier (1:45 pm) every Wednesday in order to enhance professional development and training opportunities for our elementary teachers.
Before and After School Activities:
Greenwood Elementary has a wide variety of before and after school activities for students to participate in. For more information about those, and Greenwood Elementary's before and after school care program, click the button below.
Other Important Information:
For access to the Cherry Creek School District calendar for this school year and to add upcoming Greenwood events to your calendar, click here:
School Hours:
Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. - 8:00 am - 2:45 pm
Wed. - 8:00 am - 1:45 pm
Bear Club (Before and After Care)
Morning - 6:30 am - 8:00 am
Evening - 2:45 pm- 6:00 pm (Wed. 1:45 pm start)