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Greenwood Inspires Readers & Writers

Award Winning Author, Dusti Bowling, visits Greenwood Elementary for a Day with our students.

Thanks to a grant from the PTCO and the hard work of Ms. Logan and Ms. Foster, Greenwood Elementary recently welcomed the award winning author of Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus, Dusti Bowling, to our school! Throughout the day, Ms. Bowling, taught workshops to all of our kids, grades K-5.

Ms. Bowling started with her "Life in the Dessert" workshop for the kindergarten, first, and second grade classes, where she explored the setting of books through flora and fauna, climate, and habitat. She then conducted two separate workshops for our third through fifth grade students titled "From Spark to Story" and "The Importance of a Story Goal" where she encouraged students to consider "what's at stake?" in their stories: is it the end of the world? a character’s identity? an important life lesson? Finally, Ms. Bowling shared her story about her path to publishing, including the hard work and perseverance necessary to become a published author. Students were also able to to get their favorite Dusti Bowling books personally signed!

For more information about Ms. Bowling's visit, click here to see a recent headline published by the Cherry Creek School District. And if your kids are asking for more Dusti Bowling books after her visit, click here for ways to find her many great children's novels.

Our Greenwood students and staff are deeply grateful for this authentic, one-of-a-kind, and inspiring experience that was made possible by the generosity of this fantastic Greenwood community. Thank you!

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